Birchwood Dock Association

Birchwood has 5 lake tracts which provide access to the lake for all residents to enjoy as parks located along the lakeshore. Residents can use these parks for swimming and picnicking. Each lake tract / beach has a private dock owned and maintained by the Birchwood Dock Association (BDA) except Kay Beach, which is reserved for swimming only.

The BDA is a local organization made up exclusively of Birchwood residents. Every Birchwood resident may become a member of the BDA and put their name on a waiting list for a boat slip, but membership is not required for Birchwood resident to access the docks. 

The BDA manages all the docks including the waiting list. It also manages the Association membership which any resident interested in becoming a member of the BDA may do so by submitting an application (below) to the BDA. 

Residents should contact the BDA (info below) to pay for membership, place a boat at one of the four docks, to get further information about how to get on the waiting list and what other regulations and terms exist. The BDA’s mailing address and contact information is below.

Contact Info:


Birchwood Dock Association
20 Birchwood Avenue
Birchwood, MN 55110



Once a boat slip is obtained, a resident can use the slip for 6 years.  All boats must be placed on a lift. Lifts are stored during the winter months on the lake tract and owners must pay a City fee of $100.

Board of Directors:

President: Nick Nephew 612-269-3492
Vice President: Houston Clinch   651-785-4643
Secretary: Alicia Jackola          651-214-3816
Treasurer: Trevor Morehead           612-363-2845
Member at Large Rep: Jim Berg

Member at Large Rep: Chris Sorenson