This section includes regular messages from Mayor Mary Wingfield in 2017 about “what’s new in Birchwood.”
Week of July 16, 2017
WHAT’S NEW IN BIRCHWOOD for the week of July 15, 2017
This past week the city council invited everyone to share their
“Vision of Birchwood” for our next 10 years. Folks mentioned the need
to reach out to each other to create community. I have been encourage
to start this column (blog?) for our website to help further that
goal. Here is volume 1:
Neighbors are always curious of the goings on of our community. As
mayor, I get exposed to things that you might find interesting,
trivial, unusual or mundane. I used to share these things with my
mother, but since she has passed, I am going to post them to you with
the idea you might be interested like she was.
Our city plumbing inspector was out marking the location of the city
watermains in the Oakridge area. Xcel Energy requested this because
they are replacing some of their natural gas lines. The cost is significant
to us ($125/hour to mark) and it has taken two days so far.
Unfortunately, Xcel paid their locate fees for such to Mahtomedi…we
need to have those fees transferred to us.
Bridget Sperl (Parks Committee) and I reviewed recent Nordling park
improvements made by a neighbor. Bridget helped by identifying what
plants were native. Much work has been done pulling weeds and
trimming. If you would like to help, please contact Bridget, me or
city hall and we can get you started.
Our city administrator is on vacation this week, and a request was
made to cut some of the plants that are hanging into the road on Hall
Avenue. Always-ready-to-help neighbor Dave Trepanier (Birchwood
Courts) has stepped up to trim those areas. Please thank Dave if you
see him.
John Lund noticed that a tree branch was hanging down on Lake and
Wildwood. He cleaned it up and hauled it away.
Today I crossed paths with two young adults enjoying Bloomquist park.
They had a hammock and a huge air bag chair to hang out in the cool
shade. They noticed and appreciated the progress the volunteer group
made on buckthorn removal two months ago.
As always, please feel free to let me know your ideas and concerns. I look forward to hearing from you.
Week of July 23, 2017

What’s new in Birchwood? That was the question my mother would ask when I popped in to see her. I was usually able to offer a story or tidbit that started a discussion or sparked a smile from her. There were many stories over the past eight years. We often joked that that would be the title of a book (much like James Herriot’s stories), if I ever got around to it. I have not, but the title works well for this blog. I hope you agree.
My neighbor and I walk our dogs daily through town. This picture of a Great Horned Owl is the highlight of our week. We came across this one (momma?) and another smaller one (juvenile?) in the trees around Hall’s Marsh. Momma was not really bothered by either of us or the dogs. The juvenile kept a bit more distance from us. Neither of us had ever seen two owls in such close proximity before.
Tobin has been out of the office this week on a well-deserved vacation, so I pitched in and helped with making sure the keys were transferred to a Hall renter from White Bear Lake. It is nice reflection on our community that others want to share and use our public spaces. We truly are unique in many ways.
As always, please feel free to contact me at
Week of July 30, 2017
This is National Night Out Week. The eastern portion of Birchwood is getting together for our Umpteenth annual Potluck. It actually has been going on for much longer, but we have lost count (or we don’t want to acknowledge just how old we are). If you would like to join us, feel free–all of Birchwood is really one big neighborhood. Bring a pot to share and a lawn chair and meet us at the end of Jay Street in the cul-de-sac at 6 pm. The BBQ will be on and we will have hot dogs for everyone.
On other news, Xcel is continuing to replace its gas lines in the Oakridge area. It has been a headache at times as the power has been cut and they have hit cable lines and knocked them out or service as well. At least the weather has held to keep them on schedule.
Speaking of weather, we had a delightful day Saturday morning for the Marion Johnson Across the Lake Swim. I had serious envy as the swimmers has warm, calm waters the whole way. The quickest swimmer made it in 20 minutes and everyone was across within 45 minutes.
Maybe next year you can join us.
As always, feel free to contact me:
Week of August 6, 2017

By now you have noticed the new seal coat/chip sealing on Hall/Cedar and Wildwood Avenues. This continues our capital improvement plan of sealcoating our heavier travelled roads every 4-5 years. (Our side roads get done on a longer schedule). One need only to drive, bike or walk the Mahtomedi section of the same road to see what an improvement this maintenance makes. Moreover, for every dollar we spend on maintenance, we save $7 in repairs and reconstruction.
Thanks to the garden angel that weeded the city hall flower bed. Anyone know who that is? The gardens look great now with the black-eyed susans in bloom.
We have now been assigned a permanent postman…his name is Steve and he really likes working in our community.
Our neighborhood had its National Night Out picnic last week. It is always fun to get together with young and old and share good food and stories. We really should have more than one picnic a year–it is always a fun time.
Here is a picture of the Across the Lake Swimmers this year.
As always, please feel free to contact me at
Week of August_13, 2017
City Administrator Tobin reached out to XCEL to discuss the damage and ongoing frustration with the gas line replacement project in Oakridge.
The XCEL representative seemed receptive to the concerns we raised. Hopefully, the restoration will be thorough and responsive to these concerns.
Tobin and I met with the Washington County sergeant and one patroller to discuss certain problem properties (continual noise ordinance violators) in Birchwood, as well as to discuss the burglaries earlier this summer and traffic speeds along Birchwood Avenue. They continue to remind us that these incidents were opportunistic…in other words, lock your house, lock your car doors, and do not give someone the chance to take advantage of your situation. The meeting was productive and a good way to keep the sheriff’s office posted regarding our concerns.
Please give us your feedback if you see issues that remain unresolved.
Ben Creagh (Birchwood Roads Committee and Lake Links Steering Committee) offered the following info: The next meeting of the Lake Links (Bike/Ped) Association will occur on Monday, August 21 at the Mahtomedi District Education Center, 1520 Mahtomedi Avenue, at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. Among discussion items will be the possibility of another bike ride in the fall including a tour of various historic areas around the lake, among them the Mahtomedi Chautauqua, located at our meeting site. Commander Jeremy Ellison of the St. Paul Police Dept. will discuss pedestrian safety. He is part of St. Paul’s innovative “Stop For Me” campaign of education and enforcement regarding crosswalks and pedestrian safety in general. The goal of the Lake Links Association is to provide safe routes, trail linkage, trails, paths and parks in the area near White Bear Lake. More information can be found online:
The great horned owl (which I now suspect is really a long eared owl) was perched on the ice rink pole in the wee hours of the morning last week. It was too dark to see, but its silhouette suggested it was the juvenile we saw previously. It was talking somewhat between a screech and a scream. Only a solitary cardinal had the guts to be singing nearby.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and let me know if you have any questions or concerns;
Week of August 27, 2017
Halls Marsh culvert rebuilding project is moving along. Expected construction should be in the next week or two. This has been a long time in the works and is long overdue for our neighbors whose adjoining property is flooded by the pond. The loss of trees and use of their land has tried everyone’s patience. Let’s hope this project goes without any further snags.
Paul Steinhauser has had to resign as one of our board members on the White Bear Lake Conservation District Board. The council will be looking for a replacement in the coming months. Please watch the website for more info or let the City Administrator know of your interest.
Seems some kids were traipsing atop the hockey hut last week. They were younger, so they might not realize the harm that could come if they fell. Please keep an eye out for such behavior and send the kids home.
Last full week of the summer. Enjoy!
Week of September 3, 2017
Some residents have been getting their roofs replaced due to hail
damage from a June storm…the eastern part of town might have been
hit worse. You might want to check with your insurance adjuster to be
sure all is well with your roof.
The honey winner for adding her name to the village email is Tara
Fernholtz, who recently moved to Birchwood. Congratulations Tara!
Week of September 10, 2017
Judy Walker has been the Village Hall gardening angel. The flowers look wonderful thanks to her TLC. Thanks Judy!
Week of September 24, 2017
Nothing to report from the mayor as I have been bicycle touring in France, but here are a couple of wonderful opportunities to be a tourist in our own neck of the woods. I hope you can make one or both of these unique events:
White Bear History Hikes: the Lake Links Association is hosting two History Hikes along the shores of White Bear Lake in October.
1) On Oct. 14, White Bear Lake Area Historical Society executive director Sara Markoe Hanson will lead a tour of Indian mounds, early resort sites and other historical landmarks along Lake Avenue in White Bear Lake. Meet at Lion’s Park at 2 p.m.
2) On Oct. 21, Lake Links Association co-chair Steve Wolgamot will lead a tour of the Chautauqua area, gangster hangouts and more in Mahtomedi. Meet at the Mahtomedi District Education Center.
Both hikes are free and open to the public. Call 651-303-3089 or more information or to RSVP (encouraged but not required), The Lake Links Association is a citizen group pursuing safe passage for bicyclists and pedestrians around White Bear Lake. Learn more at
Week of October 1, 2017
We are doing a good job of recycling in Birchwood. Tennis Sanitation provides a detailed analysis of our efforts every quarter. This past quarter we averaged 23 pounds per month. Nearly a third of that is comprised of cardboard and paper. Glass makes up 18% of the total and plastic is about 10%. “Contamination was minimal with less than 2% that could not be recycled.” Keep up the good work everyone!
Week of October 8, 2017
Councilmember Kevin Woolstencroft finished the final installation of the wrought iron railing at the Village Hall. Kevin was able to re-weld the original railing to trim out the sidewalk area. The building code does not require the extra railing, but we thought it was important to give folks an extra bit to hold on to. Kevin’s handiwork allowed the city to have a classier railing at virtually no cost, saving us thousands of dollars. Thanks, Kevin!
And don’t forget the Lake Links Association’s first of two History Hikes along the shores of White Bear Lake is coming up. On Oct. 14, the White Bear Lake Area Historical Society executive director Sara Markoe Hanson will lead a tour of Indian mounds, early resort sites and other historical landmarks along Lake Avenue in White Bear Lake. Meet at Lion’s Park at 2 p.m. Learn more at
Week of October 15, 2017
If you missed last week’s awesome tour history sponsored by the Lake Links Association, you have a second opportunity this Saturday: Steve Wolgamot will lead a tour of the Chautauqua area, gangster hangouts and more in Mahtomedi. Meet at the Mahtomedi District Education Center, 1520 Mahtomedi Ave, at 2 PM. The hike is free and open to the public. The Lake Links Association is a citizen group pursuing safe passage for bicyclists and pedestrians around White Bear Lake. Learn more at
I am so proud that our Roads Committee, Terry Granec and John Anderson in particular, has solved a vexing problem created by putting winter salt on the roads. Birchwood has an inordinately large portion of roads with hills, north-facing slopes, and shaded by trees making it harder to keep the roads clear of ice. In the past, the solution has been to throw tons (literally) of salt down. The salt ultimately ran into White Bear Lake, where it accumulates every year and remains FOREVER.
Public safety demanded there was no other choice…until now. Terry and John convinced our plow contractor (Birch Inc.) to invest in a pre-treatment applicator that could reduce our salt use by up to 70%! And the results also should reduce our snow and ice buildup. It’s a win-win for the community; Terry and John had the foresight to make it happen. Thanks Terry and John.
City Staff, Megan Malvey and I met with representatives from the Washington Conservation District and the Rice Creek Watershed District to talk about alternatives to keeping our waterways clean. There are a number of opportunities the city will be looking at including upgrading the rain garden at Birch Beach. Another opportunity is using AmeriCorps people to clean out the buckthorn in our city parks. These folks are dedicated to improving the environment and this is right up their alley; buckthorn eradication has been a need of ours for some time. The cost would be nominal.
Stay tuned.
Week of October 22, 2017
Houston Clinch and the Parks Committee coordinated the recent installation of shrubs around the generator in Wildwood Park. And the Mahtomedi Garden Club generously donated the money to make this happen! We look forward to the plants maturing and giving cover to the big generator. Thanks also to Bridget Sperl who initiated the opportunity.
My neighbor and I (and the walking mutts) came across a large (3-4 inches), black frog sitting on Wildwood Avenue last week. He was in no hurry to go anywhere, so we helped him across to the ditch–which was probably less pleasant than the smooth, warm pavement. He (she?) looked like a black version (no spots) of a very large leopard frog.
Any ideas what type? My best guess is a wood frog.
Week of October 29, 2017
Our Parks Group is always looking for things to help in the community. Here is an item on Buckthorn they provided me that is pertinent now since it is prime Buckthorn pulling season:
Buckthorn is an invasive species that crowds out our native woodland plants. If you have a wooded property, or if you live near woods, look for buckthorn in the fall. It’s easy! Buckthorn leaves will still be glossy green when all other deciduous trees are bare. If you find any on your property, go after the ones that are producing berries first. Pull them out if they’re small enough. You can also cut them down and paint the stumps with glyphosate (Round Up) to kill the roots. If chemicals are not your thing, cover any remaining stump completely
with a black bag or tin can, secure it in place, and let the stump die.
Birds continually eat and disgorge (poop) the Buckthorn seeds, so one’s work is never done. But once you get ahead of the larger plants, it is much easier to stay ahead of the pest…unlike Wild Garlic Mustard, but that is another story altogether.
BTW, the Village has a tree puller for use for any larger (1″ diameter or more) plants.
Week of November 5, 2017
Representative Betty McCollum invited the Washington County mayors in her district for get-together last week. It was a great opportunity to share information and contacts amongst ourselves. I especially appreciated the knowledge bank one mayor had regarding grant monies for parks and playgrounds. There are a number of opportunities that we might be able to tap into once the parks committee is ready to move forward on the survey results.
I am saddened to share that Mike Boerjan (aka Borj) has passed away.
“Borj” was the driving force in getting salt bins at the Cedar/Birchwood intersection and he personally spread sand/salt every time the weather dictated. Without Mike, we would have had to wait too long before our snowplow contractor could get back to town. We will miss his dedication and diligence. Mike was 50 years young.
Week of November 12, 2017
Yay to fellow resident Jessica Ellison who was elected to the White Bear Lake School Board. Jessica is a strong voice of reason and passion for our kids. She will be a great addition to the Board and I look forward to working with her. Good Luck, Jessica!
The city administrator, city attorney, Randy LaFoy, Washington County sergeant and I met last week to address some ongoing noise concerns of residents. The consensus is the familiar adage “If you see something, say something.” Call 911–It is the only contact number the sheriff wants us to use. Then let the city administrator know so he can follow up with an action plan. With your help, we can make sure we have properly addressed the issue.
The Flag posting for Veteran’s day was well-received by many. The colors add a bright hue to what is otherwise a dreary November. Thanks to Kevin Woolstencroft and Bob Landberg for helping me out.
Stay warm,
Week of November 19, 2017
It has been a quiet week in Birchwood. Nothing new to report. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.
Week of November 26, 2017
The utility committee met last week to discuss water and sewer rates. The good news is two-fold: the water fund is recovering after our many water main breaks last winter. So the recommendation to the council next month is to let the water main break surcharge expire after the March billing. Also, the committee is recommending no increase in the sewer rates. However, water usage rates need to increase to cover the increased cost of water. The city had not imposed an increase since 2015. We will continue to monitor our costs as the City of White Bear Lake (our water provider) reviews their legal costs incurred with the lake level law suit. —
Week of December 3, 2017
Thanks to Steve Dean, John Lund, Doug Hough, and James Nelson. Together we felled and cut up an old dead oak next to the Cedar Street. We finished the job just before the weather turned nasty this week. The old snag was a fine home for raccoons but too dangerous to leave up any longer.
John and I took care of a low hanging box elder at the other end of town as well. We are fortunate to have fellow residents who will stop everything (including watching a good Vikings game) to pitch in. Thanks guys!
Week of December 10, 2017
We had the inaugural meeting of the new Birchwood Docks Committee (BDC) last week. The goal of the committee is to establish an ongoing, synergistic relationship between the private Birchwood Dock Association, the newly formed Parks Committee, the City Council and the residents of Birchwood. With renewed initiatives to expand and enhance our system of parks and remain responsive to resident’s growing and changing needs, the committee will meet publicly to address routine business issues as well as evolving and changing City and resident goals.
The new committee will strive to improve communication, increase efficiencies and ensure transparency. Minutes of the meeting can be found on the Birchwood Village website. Check the City’s homepage or bulletin board for the next BDC meeting details.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Week of December 17, 2017
All is quiet in Birchwood after the annual Village Christmas party. Thanks to Amy Johnson, Angie Churchill and Sarah Nephew for another fine event, plus they recruited new elves for next year! Woo hoo.
The news this week is our AmeriCorps service group we had lined up for next year no longer helps clear out buckthorn to improve habitat. So we are back to square one with getting after this invasive species.
If you know of a group (scouts ?) that wants to help us with this project, please let us know…we have a few areas that are in need of help.
Have a safe and peaceful holidays.